“Do I contradict myself. Very well then, I contradict myself.
I am vast. I contain multitudes.” - Walt Whitman
The world daily contradicts our hopes and dreams and aspirations - just as we contradict ourselves and the world.
Our very existence, our compassion, our nature, our life here on this pin prick amongst the vast, empty and - so-far - lifeless void can be seen as a contradiction, a celestial defiance unequaled in the cosmos.
We are cosmically unimportant. We are sublimely significant. We are nothing. We are everything.
It is a matter of perspective.
We absolutely do live in the middle of contradiction everyday. We must learn to embrace it, be hardened by it, be softened by it, thrive in it and be lifted by it.
We should never be afraid or discouraged to question it all, to deconstruct and dismantle it in order to better understand it.
Our reach as humans should ALWAYS exceed our grasp and we must strive to lean away from darkness or despair and “make our lives a worthy expression of leaning toward the light.”
Otherwise we place at risk all that we’ve been given.
If we stand tall and fierce, if we do not fall into shadow we will remain a proud sentinel for truth, light and reason and the forward march of humanity will continue.
Our inner contradictions, questions and convictions will help sustain us. We will more than endure. We will prevail.
“Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.”
Be always bold in good and true endeavors.
Photographer, writer, filmmaker, storyteller, content creator and father.
I believe in the power of ideas, words relationships & storytelling to help frame & build brands, organizations & movements.
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